Web Server Statistics for www.drs.dk

Program started at Tue-03-Nov-1998 11:12 local time.
Analysed requests from Thu-01-Oct-1998 02:10 to Sat-31-Oct-1998 22:44 (30.9 days).

Total completed requests: 7.464 (1.008)
Total failed requests: 183 (16)
Total redirected requests: 46 (7)
Average requests per day: 249 (147)
Number of distinct files requested: 231 (128)
Number of distinct hosts served: 738 (149)
Number of new hosts served in last 7 days: 112
Corrupt logfile entries: 0
Total bytes transferred: 86.741.611 (10.587.064)
Average bytes transferred per day: 2.811.025 (1.512.437)
(Figures in parentheses refer to the last 7 days).

(Go To: Monthly report: Daily summary: Hourly summary: Domain report: Host report: Directory report: Request report)

Monthly Report

(Go To: Top: Daily summary: Hourly summary: Domain report: Host report: Directory report: Request report)

Each + represents 200 requests, or part thereof.

   month: #reqs
--------  -----
Oct 1998:  7464: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Daily Summary

(Go To: Top: Monthly report: Hourly summary: Domain report: Host report: Directory report: Request report)

Each + represents 40 requests, or part thereof.

day: #reqs
---  -----
Mon:  1178: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Tue:  1333: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Wed:   989: +++++++++++++++++++++++++
Thu:  1104: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Fri:  1686: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Sat:   662: +++++++++++++++++
Sun:   512: +++++++++++++

Hourly Summary

(Go To: Top: Monthly report: Daily summary: Domain report: Host report: Directory report: Request report)

Each + represents 20 requests, or part thereof.

hr: #reqs
--  -----
 0:   245: +++++++++++++
 1:   121: +++++++
 2:   221: ++++++++++++
 3:    88: +++++
 4:    16: +
 5:    20: +
 6:    64: ++++
 7:   104: ++++++
 8:   241: +++++++++++++
 9:   312: ++++++++++++++++
10:   477: ++++++++++++++++++++++++
11:   831: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
12:   629: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
13:   483: +++++++++++++++++++++++++
14:   730: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
15:   457: +++++++++++++++++++++++
16:   408: +++++++++++++++++++++
17:   467: ++++++++++++++++++++++++
18:   321: +++++++++++++++++
19:   239: ++++++++++++
20:   316: ++++++++++++++++
21:   253: +++++++++++++
22:   266: ++++++++++++++
23:   155: ++++++++

Domain Report

(Go To: Top: Monthly report: Daily summary: Hourly summary: Host report: Directory report: Request report)

Printing all domains with any traffic, sorted by amount of traffic.

#reqs: %bytes: domain
-----  ------  ------
 2421: 23.56%: .dk (Denmark)
 2308: 19.33%: [unresolved numerical addresses]
  420: 11.13%: .uk (United Kingdom)
  279: 11.10%: .it (Italy)
  608:  6.64%: .com (Commercial (mainly USA))
  293:  6.10%: .net (Network)
  127:  3.20%: .de (Germany)
  142:  2.04%: .no (Norway)
  107:  1.90%: .au (Australia)
  107:  1.73%: .nl (Netherlands)
   56:  1.60%: .fr (France)
   56:  1.59%: .is (Iceland)
   55:  1.57%: .nz (New Zealand)
  152:  1.51%: .hk (Hong Kong)
   62:  1.36%: .gr (Greece)
   57:  1.32%: .se (Sweden)
   28:  0.86%: .sk (Slovak Republic)
   32:  0.84%: .co (Colombia)
    2:  0.70%: .ie (Ireland)
   18:  0.45%: .fi (Finland)
    2:  0.32%: .gov (USA Government)
   21:  0.12%: .es (Spain)
   10:  0.12%: .edu (USA Educational)
   13:  0.11%: .br (Brazil)
    9:  0.11%: .sg (Singapore)
    2:  0.08%: .gl (Greenland)
    2:  0.08%: .us (United States)
   10:  0.08%: .fo (Faroe Islands)
   10:  0.08%: .mx (Mexico)
    6:  0.06%: .ch (Switzerland)
    7:  0.04%: .kr (South Korea)
    6:  0.04%: .ru (Russian Federation)
    5:  0.03%: .be (Belgium)
    6:  0.03%: .at (Austria)
    6:  0.03%: .ca (Canada)
    9:  0.02%: .bg (Bulgaria)
    2:  0.02%: .ve (Venezuela)
    1:  0.01%: .ec (Ecuador)
    2:  0.01%: .my (Malaysia)
    2:  0.01%: .yu (Yugoslavia)
    2:       : .org (Non-Profit Making Organisations)
    1:       : .pt (Portugal)

Host Report

(Go To: Top: Monthly report: Daily summary: Hourly summary: Domain report: Directory report: Request report)

Printing all hosts with at least 10 requests, sorted alphabetically.

#reqs: %bytes: host
-----  ------  ----
   34:  0.81%: cache2.uwn.unsw.edu.au
   55:  0.80%: px1.syd.aone.net.au
   32:  0.84%: tnt2-178.impsat.com.co
   31:  0.80%: ld12-187.lon.compuserve.com
   30:  0.80%: ld18-215.lon.compuserve.com
  173:       : brillo.av.pa-x.dec.com
   29:  0.80%: 207-172-138-205.s14.as8.dam.erols.com
   71:  0.87%: trousers.muscat.com
  132:  1.49%: gw-nl2.philips.com
   10:  0.02%: t3o102p27.telia.com
   19:  0.37%: spider2-uu.wisewire.com
   32:  0.82%: gatekeeper.charite.de
   20:  0.63%: crawlit.crawler.de
   10:  0.03%: pc1134.gsf.de
   34:  0.82%: dialc069.ppp.lrz-muenchen.de
   13:  0.75%: horus.erlm.siemens.de
   15:  0.06%: ramses.erlm.siemens.de
   11:  0.08%: hhintze.odont.aau.dk
   33:  0.45%: student01.svf.au.dk
   35:  0.44%: student02.svf.au.dk
   36:  0.47%: student03.svf.au.dk
   19:  0.35%: student04.svf.au.dk
   25:  0.27%: student05.svf.au.dk
   11:  0.19%: student06.svf.au.dk
   31:  0.23%: student07.svf.au.dk
   65:  1.14%: student08.svf.au.dk
   34:  0.46%: student09.svf.au.dk
   40:  0.48%: student10.svf.au.dk
   25:  0.31%: student11.svf.au.dk
   14:  0.19%: student12.svf.au.dk
   63:  1.31%: student13.svf.au.dk
   10:  0.04%: jbbp.mfys.akh.auh.dk
  139:  0.91%: uh.auh.dk
   13:  0.06%: usr-cph55.ppp.dknet.dk
   18:  0.14%: magnet.drcmr.dk
   18:  0.32%: p404-108.ppp.get2net.dk
   10:  0.05%: p405-061.ppp.get2net.dk
   30:  0.13%: gateway.hosp.dk
   16:  0.28%: pcunv.cph.ih.dk
   11:  0.24%: proxy.internet.dk
   15:  0.25%: fw1.lec.dk
   10:  0.10%: rhpc107-057.rh.dk
   10:  0.12%: rhpc107-236.rh.dk
   68:  0.14%: ns.ringamt.dk
   12:  0.09%: ip243.aaanxr1.ras.tele.dk
   16:  0.33%: ip178.abnxr2.ras.tele.dk
   11:  0.05%: ip169.boanxr2.ras.tele.dk
  160:  2.20%: web-proxy.tele2.dk
   13:  0.23%: gatekeeper.teledanmark.dk
   20:  0.11%: friedman.uni2.dk
   15:  0.15%: vlb-208-122.ppp.uni2.dk
   13:  0.09%: vlb-208-142.ppp.uni2.dk
   15:  0.08%: vlb-208-160.ppp.uni2.dk
   10:  0.09%: vlb-208-166.ppp.uni2.dk
   11:  0.17%: vlb-208-191.ppp.uni2.dk
   11:  0.03%: vlb-208-201.ppp.uni2.dk
   32:  0.81%: vlb-208-232.ppp.uni2.dk
   17:  0.03%: vlb-208-236.ppp.uni2.dk
   19:  0.31%: vlb-208-239.ppp.uni2.dk
   10:  0.06%: vlb-208-34.ppp.uni2.dk
   10:  0.11%: vlb-208-37.ppp.uni2.dk
   10:  0.04%: vlb-208-75.ppp.uni2.dk
   11:  0.02%: vlb-209-199.ppp.uni2.dk
   10:  0.13%: vlb-209-23.ppp.uni2.dk
   39:  0.09%: vlb-209-237.ppp.uni2.dk
   10:  0.09%: vlb-209-66.ppp.uni2.dk
   13:  0.11%: vlb-209-68.ppp.uni2.dk
   23:  0.20%: vlb-210-10.ppp.uni2.dk
   16:  0.12%: vlb-210-119.ppp.uni2.dk
   11:  0.05%: vlb-210-121.ppp.uni2.dk
   17:  0.13%: vlb-210-123.ppp.uni2.dk
   10:  0.09%: vlb-210-6.ppp.uni2.dk
   10:  0.01%: vlb-210-8.ppp.uni2.dk
   12:  0.16%: vlb-210-89.ppp.uni2.dk
   19:  0.09%: vlb-210-91.ppp.uni2.dk
   10:  0.01%: vlb-214-92.ppp.uni2.dk
   20:  0.12%: pcradio02.med.ucm.es
   10:  0.08%: gw.apotek.fo
   25:  0.79%: macgerard.u-strasbg.fr
   27:  0.79%: chudoor.univ-brest.fr
   55:  1.35%: athe530-e083.otenet.gr
  152:  1.51%: ns2.ha.org.hk
   56:  1.59%: ps-terra.mmedia.is
   49:  2.92%: s148.global-italianet.it
   12:  0.68%: macfg.iss.infn.it
   21:  0.95%: macfm.iss.infn.it
   17:  0.77%: mbelp.iss.infn.it
   56:  1.56%: pccal.iss.infn.it
   30:  0.80%: pcwbel.iss.infn.it
   25:  0.77%: mo-line-03.progetto3000.it
   31:  1.53%: mo-line-13.progetto3000.it
   29:  0.80%: a-rm21-16.tin.it
  212:  5.48%: netway-nhs.ukcore.bt.net
   10:  0.05%: pm045-18.dialip.mich.net
   12:  0.05%: hil-c45-045-vty120.as.wcom.net
   78:  1.58%: jti.iaehv.nl
   20:  0.06%: vp213-241.worldonline.nl
   10:  0.06%: mp-218-33.daxnet.no
   29:  0.80%: pc139.nrpa.no
   16:  0.11%: ti03a01-0060.dialup.online.no
   25:  0.77%: flame.unitec.ac.nz
   30:  0.80%: ppp66063.chch.planet.org.nz
   11:  0.05%: tiger.lul.se
   14:  0.74%: passer.its.uu.se
   26:  0.77%: std66-za.telecom.sk
   29:  1.41%: ceres.biomed.abdn.ac.uk
   28:  0.79%: pluto.biomed.abdn.ac.uk
   33:  1.52%: roo.medschool.dundee.ac.uk
   14:  0.08%: hum1.libr.port.ac.uk
   13:  0.07%: net25-40.tvu.ac.uk
   17:  0.77%: finch-01.www-cache.demon.co.uk
   13:  0.03%: finch-06.www-cache.demon.co.uk
   31:  0.81%: webcache1.planet.net.uk
   29:  0.80%: webcache3.planet.net.uk
   25:  0.70%: webcache5.planet.net.uk
  132:  3.28%: fw128.nhs.uk
   40:  0.81%: blacknet.nrpb.org.uk
   13:  0.06%:
   15:  0.14%:
   14:  0.07%:
   38:  0.44%:
   18:  0.14%:
   38:  0.22%:
   52:  0.20%:
  929:  1.50%:
   31:  0.81%:
   16:  0.07%:
   10:  0.03%:
   25:  0.77%:
   53:  1.59%:
   34:  0.82%:
   29:  0.79%:
   10:  0.13%:
   10:  0.21%:
   20:  0.05%:
   13:  0.09%:
   31:  0.85%:
   83:  0.80%:
   10:  0.06%:
   91:  0.43%:
   14:  0.05%:
   12:  0.28%:
   10:  0.12%:
  186:  1.64%:
   47:  0.92%:
   31:  0.50%:
   19:  0.25%:
   35:  0.74%:
   48:  0.55%:

Directory Report

(Go To: Top: Monthly report: Daily summary: Hourly summary: Domain report: Host report: Request report)

Printing all directories to depth 1 with at least 0.01% of the traffic, sorted by amount of traffic.

#reqs: %bytes: directory
-----  ------  ---------
 2828: 63.25%: /CT/
 4377: 34.76%: [root directory]
  125:  1.01%: /trafik/
   19:  0.58%: /ssr/
   37:  0.20%: /fyr/
   66:  0.15%: /dfir/
   11:  0.01%: /fima/

Request Report

(Go To: Top: Monthly report: Daily summary: Hourly summary: Domain report: Host report: Directory report)

Printing all files with at least 10 requests, sorted alphabetically.

#reqs: %bytes: filename
-----  ------  --------
 1173:  2.18%: /
  156:  2.49%: /CT/
   29:  0.07%: /CT/document/
   72:  0.01%: /CT/document/images/box.gif
   72:  1.08%: /CT/document/images/figur1.gif
   73:  1.40%: /CT/document/images/figur2.gif
   71:  1.07%: /CT/document/images/figur3.gif
   74:  0.04%: /CT/document/images/for075_1.gif
   74:  0.07%: /CT/document/images/for075_2.gif
   75:  0.03%: /CT/document/images/for075_3.gif
   74:  0.05%: /CT/document/images/for075_4.gif
   73:  0.04%: /CT/document/images/for075_5.gif
   75:  0.04%: /CT/document/images/for076_1.gif
   74:  0.05%: /CT/document/images/for076_2.gif
   74:  0.05%: /CT/document/images/for077_1.gif
   74:  0.03%: /CT/document/images/for077_2.gif
   73:  0.05%: /CT/document/images/for083_1.gif
   76:  0.04%: /CT/document/images/for109_1.gif
   76:  0.07%: /CT/document/images/for109_2.gif
   70:  0.04%: /CT/document/images/for110_1.gif
   69:  0.04%: /CT/document/images/for111_1.gif
   69:  0.04%: /CT/document/images/for111_2.gif
   68:  0.05%: /CT/document/images/for112_1.gif
   69:  0.03%: /CT/document/images/for112_2.gif
   69:  0.04%: /CT/document/images/for113_1.gif
   70:  0.05%: /CT/document/images/for115_1.gif
  103:  0.09%: /CT/document/images/index_1.gif
   19:  0.04%: /CT/document/index.htm
   13:  0.04%: /CT/document/index1.htm
   42:  0.14%: /CT/document/index2.htm
   19:  0.10%: /CT/document/page001.htm
   12:  0.07%: /CT/document/page017.htm
   12:  0.06%: /CT/document/page074.htm
   18:  0.07%: /CT/document/page080.htm
   15:  0.04%: /CT/document/page095.htm
   13:  0.05%: /CT/document/page109.htm
  107: 53.32%: /CT/document/total.htm
  136:  0.02%: /CT/images/box.gif
   46:  0.30%: /agj.jpg
   44:  0.11%: /andre.htm
   51:  0.20%: /best.htm
   27:  0.20%: /best0698.htm
   16:  0.36%: /blad198.htm
   12:  0.78%: /blad298.htm
   18:  0.69%: /blad397.htm
   30:  2.03%: /blad398.htm
   11:  0.26%: /blad497.htm
   43:  0.21%: /blad498.htm
   22:  1.19%: /blad597.htm
   46:  0.28%: /cs.jpg
   64:  1.01%: /denmark.gif
   38:  0.09%: /dfir/
   28:  0.07%: /dfir/graabgr.jpg
   46:  1.84%: /euratom.htm
   79:  0.20%: /firmaer.htm
   46:  0.25%: /fm.jpg
   20:  0.14%: /fyr/
   13:  0.03%: /fyr/graabgr.jpg
 1207:  1.47%: /graabgr.jpg
   17:  0.04%: /indmeld.htm
   46:  0.24%: /jb.jpg
   54:  0.14%: /journal.htm
  127:  1.53%: /kurs.htm
  414:  1.83%: /link.htm
  157: 11.00%: /medliste.htm
   86:  0.83%: /meeting.htm
   26:  0.05%: /opgaver.htm
   16:  0.13%: /regn97.htm
   14:  0.54%: /ssr/
   70:  0.29%: /trafik.htm
   62:  0.38%: /trafik1.gif
   62:  0.40%: /trafik2.gif
   62:  0.41%: /trafik3.gif
   45:  1.84%: /uddan.htm
   20:  0.14%: /udvalg.htm
   46:  0.23%: /val.jpg
   19:  0.39%: /vedt.htm

This analysis was produced by analog1.2.6.
Running time: 1 second.

(Go To: Top: Monthly report: Daily summary: Hourly summary: Domain report: Host report: Directory report: Request report)