Acta Radiologica International Award for Best Scientific Manuscript

The Board of the Foundation Acta Radiologica has decided from 2016 to institute The New “Acta Radiologica International Award for Best Scientific Manuscript” published in the journal each year. From 2016 the prize will constitute of a Diploma and a price award of 40.000 Swedish kroner (approx. 5000 USD). The nomination of the prize will be done by the editorial board of the journal and the prize-winner will be invited to present the prize-winning paper during the following Nordic Radiology Congress at Reykjavik, Iceland in the summer 2017.

 The Board of the Foundation Acta Radiologica has decided from 2016 to institute The New “Acta Radiologica International Award for Best Scientific Manuscript” published in the journal each year. The prize will be awarded for the first time for the year 2016.

This prize is based on the same principle as the “Xenia Forsselliana Prize”, which since 1992 has been awarded for the best scientific manuscript published from a Nordic institution each year.

From 2016 the prize will constitute of a Diploma and a price award of 40.000 Swedish kroner (approx. 5000 USD) and will be given to the best, original scientific manuscript published in the journal Acta Radiologica each year.

The nomination of the prize will be done by the editorial board of the journal and decided by the Board of the Foundation based on this nomination. The prize-winner will be invited to present the prize-winning paper during the following Nordic Radiology Congress, which will take place at Reykjavik, Iceland in the summer 2017 together with the presentations of the winners of the Xenia Forsselliana Prize for the two preceeding years.

Arnulf Skjennald