Simulation-based education in ultrasound – diagnostic and interventional abdominal focus
DCE-CT parameters as new functional imaging biomarkers at baseline and during immune checkpoint inhibitor therapy in patients with lung cancer – a feasibility study
Introduction of one-view tomosynthesis in population-based mammography screening: Impact on detection rate, interval cancer rate and false-positive rate
Artificial intelligence for MRI stroke detection: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Prognostic relevance of radiological findings on early postoperative MRI for 187 consecutive glioblastoma patients receiving standard therapy
PhD stilling indenfor radiologien/stråleterapien, med henblik på brug af photon counting CT og dual energy CT til planlægning og opfølgning af strålebehandling
PhD position within Radiology/Clinical Oncology for a multidisciplinary project exploring the role of imaging biomarker, treatment outcome and toxicity We seek to appoint a medical doctor in a PhD position in our multidisciplinary research group at the Departments of Oncology and Radiology at Copenhagen University Hospital Herlev and Gentofte. Anticipated start is August/September 2024. The […]
Indkaldelse til generalforsamling i Danske Radiologers organisation (DRO)
DANSKE RADIOLOGERS ORGANISATION (DRO) Der indkaldes til generalforsamling i Danske Radiologers organisation onsdag den 12. juni 2024 kl. 16.30. Generalforsamlingen afholdes på Røntgenklinikken, Amagerbrogade 193, 2300 København S. Dagsorden Valg af dirigent Formandsberetning Beretning fra nedsatte udvalg Indkomne forslag Aflæggelse af det reviderede regnskab Valg af bestyrelse Valg af revisor Redegørelse for budget Fastsættelse […]